Thursday, June 24, 2010

Couls you reccomend some Benefit Makeup?

I wanna buy a few things from benefit cosmetics. they seem like a cute brand :] so could you reccomend some of there makeup for a 13 year old like mascara,eyeshadow,lipgloss you know that stuff o and i have green eyes so if you could reccomend a color of eyeshadow that would be soo amazing! thank you guys!Couls you reccomend some Benefit Makeup?
defo badgal lash if you want a good mascara.

they do good cream shadow, id get one in a light colour.

'the gloss' is amazing and suits EVERYONE. Trust me.

I am in love with a face primer called 'that gal'

It smells so good and feels great!!

Have fun I love benefit!Couls you reccomend some Benefit Makeup?
I suggest the following:


dallas-kind of amazing :D

benetint (get the pocket pal to see if you like it first)

badgal lash

high beam


ooh la lift if you have dark circles

i dont know about eyeshadow, i would try another brand for that.

try their lipgloss her glossiness in ';didn't hear it from me';
Benefit High Beam.

its my favorite highlighter.

you could use it on the cheek or on your brow bone or anywhere its so pretty on anyone.

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