Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How does applying loation daily or whenever benefit your skin?

i started applying loation daily now and i feel like my skin is alot softer, but i want to know really how it helps. Or is it bad to apply it that often?How does applying loation daily or whenever benefit your skin?
Hi Lindsey- Showers, sun even clothes rubbing on your skin dry out your skin and you loose the natural oils that moisturize your skin.

By using lotions every day you are helping to keep your skin moisturized and your skin won't wrinkle as fast. Well moisturized skin has a healthy glow. It is very beneficial to apply your lotion right after you shower; before you are completely dry off, this helps seal in the moisture/water. Make sure you are using a moisturizer with a sunscreen in it to protect your face. Sun will age your skin really fast. The only thing that ages your skin faster then the sun is cigarettes. Just another reason not to smoke!

I hope this answered your question.How does applying loation daily or whenever benefit your skin?
Using a lotion everyday on your face that has a high SPF will help you today and tomorrow.

Today it will help your skin get hydrated to better take your foundation. Even if you are not wearing makeup you will have softer more even looking skin tone.

Later on it will prevent you from getting wrinkles and sunspots and sunburn. All three terms are code words for SUN DAMAGE.

Protect your skin from the sun and you will be doing yourself a huge favor.
Lotion specifically made for the face is okay. Just make sure that the ingredients are not full of chemicals. If the ingredients are hard to pronounce, it's probably not that great for your face, feel me? Also, it's a good idea to get a good facial moisturizer with sunscreen.
Lotion companies claim that it prevents wrinkles. Some people think that all those chemicals on your skin actually wrinkles it worse in the long run.

I think it depends on if you're using a cheap brand or a good brand. I certainly wouldn't put something cheap on my skin every day.
It makes your skin suprisingly baby soft.

Your skin also becomes very shiny and smooth.
It prevents the delicate skin from getting chapped and rough and won't age as quickly.

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